Pick & pack an order starting from only £0.60
This is the cost for picking and packing an order with 1 item . Shipping and packaging fees are not included.
Additional items in same order from £0.30
This is the pick and pack price for any additional items in the same order. e.g. a 3 item order would be £0.60 + £0.30 +£0.30= £1.20 total before packaging and postage.
Packaging from £0.45
We charge a fixed price per order for packaging. We can also supply inner packaging for delicate items. Contact us to see if we accommodate more complex packaging needs, we're happy to look into anything. |
Posting your item
Contact us for postage costs to match your needs.
We provide worldwide & UK shipping of letters, parcels, packets 24 hour, 48 hour, Express & Economy Services Next Day Courier Services International Tracked Deliveries Special Deliveries & Return Handling |
There are a few items we cannot handle such as batteries, flammable goods, or hazardous items.
Contact us for with any queries or for more detailed information, we will always try our best to accommodate you.
Contact us for with any queries or for more detailed information, we will always try our best to accommodate you.
Ready to go? Contact us for a quote.
Based in Whitley Bay on the North East English coast, we're a family run business. Contact Alpaca Parcel for pricing/general queries via our online forms. If you prefer, give us a call on 0191 435 1896 or email us at [email protected]